Current playlist

Aug 6th, 2015 Just Music Brahmina 1 min read

The more times around the sun I’ve been, the more important & beloved music becomes for me… These three tunes have quickly floated to the top of  my Cream & Butter playlists on my mp3 player… Clap Your Hands Say…

Gordon Ramsay cuddles with dinner.

Lessons from Gordon Ramsay

Aug 2nd, 2015 Featured, Random Thoughts Brahmina 2 min read

Several years back, I went through a big Gordon Ramsay phase… Watched many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares & Hell’s Kitchen. When I was reading his book Playing with Fire I pulled together some notes on good life lessons I was picking up from…

List Central screenshot

List Central

Jul 3rd, 2015 Geeking, Random Thoughts Brahmina 3 min read

In the mid-late oughts I poured myself into creating a social network for list lovers that came to be called List Central. I was a young & eager web developer with an entrepreneurial spirit. Facebook was new & I wanted…

Making a lightbox for drawing

Feb 9th, 2015 Creating, Random Thoughts Brahmina 2 min read

I’ve decided its finally time to learn Illustrator… I found this tutorial on Youtube & decided to give it a go. A hand drawing is required for the tutorial… it uses a Mexican skull… I thought this a neat task to…

A Trip to Mesa

Jan 13th, 2015 Random Thoughts Brahmina 1 min read

After my first attempt at the RV adventure, I found myself alone on Christmas with only a pizza, an empty fridge & no insurance on the car. Bugger.  My Dad had been looking forward to my arrival in Arizona for…


Jan 4th, 2015 Random Thoughts Brahmina 9 min read

I have a dream… a dream of a grand trip in an RV… without plan, only means… guided by impulse & interest… through the states, provinces & territories of North America. Diners, wineries, mountains, waves, hot springs, my camera, notebooks…

My Top 10 Tracks Revised

Dec 30th, 2014 Featured, Just Music Brahmina 11 min read

In putting together this blog I went through my old posts from my previous blogs & discovered it was high time I updated my top 10 list. I love music beyond words & this list is ever changing, always evolving…