Several years back, I went through a big Gordon Ramsay phase… Watched many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares & Hell’s Kitchen. When I was reading his book Playing with Fire I pulled together some notes on good life lessons I was picking up from…

Several years back, I went through a big Gordon Ramsay phase… Watched many episodes of Kitchen Nightmares & Hell’s Kitchen. When I was reading his book Playing with Fire I pulled together some notes on good life lessons I was picking up from…
A new kitten adopted me a couple of weeks ago… his name is Riley & he is the cutest!! Terribly handsome, elegant & princely. I figured this debonair young gentleman required a decent place to hide & nap. In my…
I had a fat cat. His name was Benny. He was awesome! A bit of a prancer, a tad bossy & gave me lots of love everyday! Benny was diabetic. A few years back Benny was drinking so much water he…
In putting together this blog I went through my old posts from my previous blogs & discovered it was high time I updated my top 10 list. I love music beyond words & this list is ever changing, always evolving…
I’m watching Dan Hill on The Hour right now. He was just discussing one of his father’s parenting techniques that is absolutely brilliant. Every time Dan asked his father for something, his dad made him write a letter. By encouraging…
Did you watch The Colbert Show last night? I’ve been a fan of Colbert’s since he first spun off Jon Stewart‘s nurturing wing. I like Colbert so much that I got up early to brave the crowds and mud to…
Have you watched Dan Pink‘s TED talk: The Surprising Science of Motivation yet? It’s a really interesting talk that delves into the mismatch between what science knows about motivation, and what business does in trying to motivate people to do…
I happened across quite some time ago, and immediately fell in love with the concept of micro-lending. Kiva has partnered up with many financing partners through the developing world. Through this network, regular folk, like you and I, can…