Beck’s Record Club is at it again!

INXS was the first concert I attended, with my sister , when I was 12. I will always remember that evening with great fondness. INXS was a staple in my young life. Beck’s tribute to the now classic, 1986 Kick is pretty freaking awesome.

This time, Beck brings together “Liars, Annie Clark and Daniel Hart from St. Vincent, Sergio Dias from the legendary Brazilian band Os Mutantes, as well as RC veteran Brian Lebarto” to great effect.

Only the first 6 tracks from the are up thus far at Beck’s Record Club, so we will all have to patiently wait for the remainder. I couldn’t wait though to share their rendition of New Sensation, which is so beautifully redone, in such a non-INXS manner, sensitive and subdued. Absolutely gorgeous! Check it out above.. New Sensation from Beck’s Record Club

Record Club: INXS “New Sensation” from Beck Hansen on Vimeo.